Monday, December 31, 2012


So I just received all these fabulous books so instead of keeping them for myself, I'm passing them on to YOU!!!!

Its my way of saying thank you for following me and my ramblings!

 So Hope you enjoy the list of books I have for you here... Some really great ones are in there...

All books are in ePub or mobi format... 

So on to the Raffle!!! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, December 30, 2012



So I found this new site. It's called Libboo, and you share books to help the authors out. So since I'm very much interested in this particular book, I decided to share it on my blog. :) Who knows maybe my blogging it will help the author out a bit. :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Dragon Dimension

TITLE:  The Dragon Dimension (Caught in the Dragon Cove)
AUTHOR: Ressa Empbra
PUBLISHED:  September 19, 2012
LENGTH: 442 Pages
RATING:  Adult
GENRE:  Drama
My Rating:[[[


Working for a covert government agency, Iax travels the world—andbeyond. She also journeys out of this world to other Realms in variousDimensions, of which only a privileged few have knowledge. Her job:Putting a halt to imminent battles and wars before it’s too late.

Finding herself dropped into a heated battle in the Dragon Cove Realmof the Dragon Dimension, Iax assumes the usual; get in, get the jobdone, get out. Easy-peasy. This mission is like no other, however, asit will change her life in ways she never could have imagined.

Get Caught in the Dragon Cove, where secrets and tempting passionslurking just out of sight, are all revealed…

Please be advised: This novel contains some profanity, and mild sexualcontent. It is deemed inappropriate for anyone under the age of 18years old.


Okay so first off, my very first thought regarding this book was nearon panic. The very first thing that happens is on December 25th, thecouple have just suffered a still birth of their baby girl. Now whatmakes this so painful is that just a year ago on that very day I losttwin boys. I panicked contacted Bex from Bex n’ Books and she said ifI don’t want to continue on then to stop there. But I decided tocontinue on. I have very mixed feelings about this book. The storydoesn't stay with that couple, but instead jumps years ahead to wherethey have a baby girl basically delivered to them. And THAT is who theentire story is about. I think the author could have just skipped overthe entire beginning since it really had no bearing on the laterstory.

That being said, if you want a book with a real main character, wellhere it is, Iax (eye axe) is a down to earth woman, modern, curseslike a sailor * I can so relate*, and can stand on her own two feet.Then we have the men and need I say more a man who is a Dragon. *startdrooling now ladies* this isn't my first experience with shapeshifting into a dragon however dragons always peek my interest. I haveto say I loved how the main character was so down to earth and sonormal in such an abnormal way. I didn't like how she was often in herown head. It also had a bit of repetitiveness in the “Iax don’t do”.But I could deal with that.

Quite a bit of the book was an information dump. I say this because weare “told” about the main character’s intelligence, problem solvingabilities, fighting style and how she wishes her scars still showedwhen she was back on earth, her abilities to speak just about anylanguage and basically her total impressiveness, however I can say Inever really saw that side of her. I can also say that I expected morefrom the character due to the endless possibilities. However to me shespent an awful amount of time sleeping. Where was this fabulousfighter? Where was this intelligent woman? I mean seriously she fallsoff a cliff and passes out, really, you didn't see a cliff?

I did enjoy Gemma, I had to laugh at her so many times with herinability to remember such simple things as Pity-Party which she saidPotty-Party and many other little things like that. I also enjoyed thedragons. Hot dragons shifter, yeah I can go for that. It actuallysaved the story for me.

World creation was excellent. The author took quite a bit of time oncreating her world. And the possibilities for this world are trulyendless. I believe she can do quite a bit of work with the world shehas created.

I do feel I should warn the reader, there is quite a bit of profanity.All in all I can only give this book a 3 star rating. I seriously wishI could give it more because as I said the possibilities were endless,but it just didn't live up to the summary for me.

Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me from Bex N' Booksin exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held nodetermination on my personal review.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Beyond the Books Blog Tour

So now this is supposed to be all about a hobby of mine, although this is definitely not a hobby it is something I hold quite dear to my heart. I'm supposed to toot my own horn, so here it goes... Toot Toot Toot! Now that all that nonsense is out of the way... On to the very subject we are here to read about. Home education! Read on if you dare, it is definitely NOT for the faint of heart!

Who educates their children at home?
The reason why people choose to home educate their children is usually taken to be due to religious convictions or medical necessity. However, in Australia one of the fastest growing trends is the rise in parent’s home educating their children. This is in part due to the failing academics in Australia. Australia is currently ranked 27th in the world. What is so amazing about this is that Hong Kong who spends far less money and far less time in school than Australia is ranked number 1.  This makes me wonder why it is that Australia is dropping the proverbial ball when it comes to children’s education. Teachers blame the School, Schools blame the curriculum passed by the Government, and the Government blames funding.  Yet most governments waste billions of dollars per year on Immigration or Military.  So who suffers?  It’s the children who suffer, that’s who. So now while religious and medical reasons still rank high on why people choose to home educate their children, a rise in the number of parents disillusioned by the school system are now turning to home education as a viable option.

Home Schoolers are just LAZY!
Now people immediately think that home schoolers are just lazy. Parents who don’t wish to wake up early enough to make breakfast and get their children off to school. But nothing can be further from the truth. My own day begins at 5:30 every morning and does not end until 8:30 at night. There is no one to grade the work my son does but me, there is no one to set the curriculum but me, there is no one to research different learning styles but me. My son meanwhile is with ME, EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. Could you deal with that kind of commitment to your child?

Your curriculum can’t possibly be any good!
Our personal school day may operate differently than a regular school day but my son’s curriculum is far superior to what is currently offered in the schools.  The law dictates what we must “touch upon” and we not only touch upon these items but actually TEACH them. Add to this my son who is in grade four has the following curriculum: Journal writing (every morning), Mathematics, English Grammar, Spelling, Reading, Research and Writing, Science, History, Technology, Art, Music and Foreign Language Studies and World Events/History. Everything and I do mean everything can be found on the internet.  Links to some of my favorite sites are provided below.

So what is so good about home schooling?
·    ·         There are a number of things that are great about home schooling. The first is our schedules are our own. In our case my son goes to school Monday through Friday from 9 to 3 for 6 weeks then he gets a week off. In the regular schools here they go for 9 to 11 weeks and then have a week off and 6 weeks off at Christmas time.  My son’s schedule allows that he is in school for the same number of weeks per year as the children in Public/Private Schools but without that long Christmas break so he doesn’t have time to get bored or to forget everything he has been taught. There is also the aspect of closure, he gets his rewards for reading, writing, just as other children do but they are more frequent during the year since his term ends every 6 weeks. Since we work in unit studies our subject matter is across ALL subjects, i.e. this term was Greek Mythology using Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief as reading material with the prize of getting to watch the movie at the end of term. This crossed into all subjects from reading on through to maths and sciences.

·         We have subjects which are not even being taught to grade four children. My son is taking Spanish, which is not even offered here in Australia and no foreign languages are offered until year 7. Art and Music are being taught in a much different manner. While in the schools my son was taught Art simply by drawing or painting “crafts”, while at home we did an entire unit study on an Artist and then did our art projects to emulate the artist’s style, in this case Romero Britto. In Music, he is being taught about Music Theory, something that the schools here don’t offer to grade 4 children. Yet it is a wonderful way to teach children to not only read music but to play it as well. He is also enrolled in a Drama Class and Dance class.

·         The last thing that pops into my mind when asked what is so great about home schooling is that Home Education offers us FREEDOM! In our case my son has special learning needs that the school regardless of how many times I pointed them out and asked them to have him evaluated ignored. In our case my son’s teacher told me that they were promoting him to fourth grade even after numerous requests for him to be retained, fourth grade started and my son slipped farther and farther behind. At the end of third term I pulled him when the teachers once again said they were promoting him to grade 5. What gets me is at this point my son could pass the grade two maths test with an 80% but when it went to the grade three maths test he scored only 30% and the grade four a whopping .04% yes you read right, and they were going to promote him regardless of his failing grades due to his supposed ability to socialize. HOWEVER, my son has NO friends, not a single one. Socialization is not a reason to promote a child especially since it will not do the child any good to be a grade higher and farther behind. Since this time my son has been diagnosed with Asperger’s/Non-Verbal Learning Disorder and he is thriving at home. He can have frequent breaks or reminders from me to keep him on task. He can have as I call it Wiggle time. He can have the stimulation that he could not possibly have in the school system. Plus we can take the time needed for him to master the subjects in question. He is currently working on Grade 6 English Grammar, Grade 3 Maths, Grade 3 Science, and Grade 6 History. So as you can see his needs are being met by allowing for a cross grade curriculum.

Can anyone home educate their children?
Yes, however, home educating is not something to undertake lightly. You are committing yourself not only to be a parent, but to be a teacher of a young mind. You have to be committed to be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, you will say yeah well that’s what parents do commit to be there every day for 18 years. But in the case of home educating, you have to remember that it is hard work, you have to set the curriculum for your children, you have to give them the work they need to do, you need to teach them what they need to learn, you need to grade the work you gave them and you have to do all this while your child is still in the home with you, no breaks from your child for you. You also have to remember that children need different forms of entertainment than adults do. And you absolutely must remember to take ME time (or as I jokingly call it sanity time) and to give your child their ME time. It’s a tightrope walk some days, but when you make it to the end of another long day and see your child sleeping in their bed you realize that it truly is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.

~Our Time~
~A Future~

Links I frequent in my curriculum plans:

Enchanted Learning

Linky Code

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dazzle Blog Tour

‘Dazzle’ Blog Tour

The Book
By: Amber Garza

Sixteen-year-old Delaney Scott possesses a special gift. Ever since she was a child she has known about her calling and the duty she’s expected to fulfill. However, all Delaney wants is to be normal. That’s why she is drawn to Sam. He can offer her t
he life she’s always desired. Only Sam has secrets of his own. Secrets that are deadly. Secrets that can change everything.

Trailer HTML
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Young Adult Paranormal Romance

Recommended Age Group
13 and Up

355 Pages

Amber Garza

Average Rating
5 of 5 Stars

What The Characters Are Saying
I stay with Sam even though I know it's all wrong. No one else makes me feel the way he does. It's as if when I'm with him something dormant in me comes alive. -- Delaney

Falling for Delaney would completely ruin everything. But there's just something about her, you know? She's different than I expected. She has a way of getting under my skin, despite my best efforts to keep her at a distance. -- Sam

She can help him find redemption. He can give her the life she wants. But falling in love will change everything. -- Sam and Delaney

Barnes & Nobles

The Author
Amber Garza

Amber Garza has had a passion for writing since she was a little girl, making books out of notebook paper and staples. Other than writing she is addicted to coffee, candy and reading. She lives in California with her husband, and two children.

Barnes & Nobles Author
The Schedule
December 1
A Little Bit of R&R

December 2
Finding Bliss

December 3
The Book Town

December 4
Amazing Books

December 5
Cabin Goddess

December 6
Tammy’s Tea Time

December 7
Book Crazy

December 8

Brianna Lee Book Reviews

December 9

Dina's Thoughts

December 10
The Cover Contessa

December 11
Andi's Young Adult Books

December 12
Kerri Williams- Writer of Romance

December 13
Books, Brownies and Barkers

December 14
Krystal Clear Book Reviews

December 15
Immortal Crimson Reviews

December 16
Recent Reads

December 17
The Library at the END of the Universe

December 18
Kristina's Books & More

December 19
Tam’s Two Cents

December 20
Book Nerds Across America

December 21
Book Babe

December 22
Just Me, Myself, and I

December 23
Read Between The Lines

December 24
Books Complete Me

December 25
Ever and Ever Sight

December 26
Danita Minnis

December 27
Into The Night Book Reviews

December 28
Book Dream Land

December 29
Sassy Cassie's Reviews

December 30
The Cover (and Everything in Between…)

The In Between Blog Tour...

‘The In Between’ Blog Tour

The Book
The In Between
By: Catherine Converse

Two girls with opposing backgrounds join a secret intelligence agency located deep in the earth, where their psychic dreams are used to prevent murder. As the girls form a unique friendship, they begin to dream about the same serial case, triggering a chaos that spirals through the agency tunnels, and proves the lives they need to save are their own.

Trailer HTML
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Young Adult Sci-fi/Fantasy Action Suspense

Recommended Age Group
For Readers Aged 13 Years & Up

297 Pages

Golden Dot Publishing

Average Rating
4.5 of 5 Stars

What People Are Saying About It
"...immediately captivated. There are only a handful of books that
have done this to me in the past and they have become BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES
(Harry Potter Series, Twilight, and Hunger Games). I hold this book in
the same regards as these others...The imagination of this author is unbelievable!" -Amy Dewey, NC, Amazon Reviewer

"... a riveting page-turner filled with unexpected twists, action, suspense, raw
emotion, and thankfully some romance that is refreshingly engaging and
sincere. I'm eagerly awaiting the next adventure!" -Michael, MT. Amazon

"The way that the "Visionaries" can see the future and try to stop murders is very cool...and then it gets all twisty and action-packed. I was riveted to my Kindle from the first page to the last and OMG that was a crazy ending!! I need the next one NOW!" --Indie Book Reviewer

"..."FREAKINFFANTABULOUSLYAMAZING" I don't feel that totally says it about it, ...I loved this book, words can't describe my amazement towards it." -Cassie, Goodreads Reviewer

"The In Between takes you on a thrill ride reminiscent of The Matrix and The
Hunger Games. The author draws you in through the two widely disparate
lead find yourself breathless to see what happens
next." -- J. Lake, Montana

"I loved this book! I read so much YA paranormal/fantasy/ sci-fi it all starts to seem sorta the same after a while. Not with this book! Author Catherine Converse creates a wholly original world and characters that felt refreshingly new." --Indie Book Reviewer

"...Converse captures the reader's hearts with characters we can all relate to, while providing vivid descriptions of locations that makes you yearn to be there. You won't want to miss out on this exciting tale that easily warrants you to keep the pages turning."
-- K. Gardner, Montana


The Author
Catherine Converse

Catherine Converse lives with her husband and four amazing children in beautiful Montana. She studied Business at Carroll College and graduate work in Marketing Communications at West Virginia University. Her love of writing took off in her years working as a marketing consultant using creative writing to sell. Now she uses it to take readers on an adventure, or to share her passions. If not writing, seeking out readers, interacting and thanking her amazing supporters, or musing on motherhood chaos, Catherine loves most to be playing with her family – indoors and out, and focusing upward to show God her gratitude for such a blessed life.

Amazon Author
The Schedule
December 1
Andi’s Young Adult Books

December 2
A Little Bit of R&R

December 3
Author Jinni James

December 4

December 5
Indie Designz

December 6
Book Nerds Across America

December 7
Ever and Ever Sight

December 8

Book Crazy

December 9

Books, Brownies and Barkers

December 10

Dina's Thoughts

December 11
Krystal Clear Book Reviews

December 12
R&M Fab Book Reviews

December 13
The Library at the END of the Universe

December 14
Sassy Cassie's Reviews

December 15
Bex 'n' Books

December 16
Brianna Lee Book Reviews

December 17
Kerri Williams- Writer of Romance

December 18
Recent Reads

December 19
Books Complete Me

December 20
Read Between The Lines

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pansy at the Palace... Great children's read!

Rating:  [[[[[

Pansy at the Palace
Author: Cynthia Bardes 

Buy Links: Amazon

Pansy's life blossoms when she is adopted from an animal shelter by a loving family and little girl named Avery. Swept into her new life at the Palace Hotel in Beverly Hills, this smart and courageous puppy saves the day by solving a mysterious theft. Pansy at the Palace celebrates the spirit of curiosity and exploration, and teaches us that no one is too small to make a difference in the lives of many!


In this book, Pansy narrates the story. She is a little brown poodle who lived in an animal shelter and feared she would never be adopted. But then that all changed when Avery came to the shelter. Avery took this wonderful little puppy home to the luxurious Palace Hotel in Beverly Hills and from there adventure abounds.

The character creation is so fabulous that we actually can see through the eyes of this puppy, Mr. Bijoux, Monsieur DuMal and of course Desiree the mean nature'd cat. What happens in this story I won't divulge but your children will absolutely fall in love with the little puppy and the antics of what happens in the hotel and the mystery that this young pup solves. 

Children will also get to see that it doesn't matter how big or small you are, you can still make a huge difference in the lives of others. I feel that this is a lesson that ALL children should learn. 

The graphics in the book are fabulous and will catch the eye of even the youngest reader. I highly recommend this book not only for the lesson but also the imagery.

I also must say that I applaud this author for bringing awareness to the Humane Society and local shelters. And I recommend that anyone searching for a pet please do visit them to get your next kitty or puppy, because there are many animals looking for that forever family just like Pansy.

Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ella the Pink Elephant

Ella the Pink Elephant
By Doris Rueger
Purchase Link: Amazon

In her new children’s book, a beloved elephant learns how to grow older gracefully
In “Ella the Pink Elephant: Her Life, Love and Fame,” Doris Rueger creates a children’s book with a moral lesson as a former star elephant learns how to accept herself as she ages.

BELLPORT, N.Y. – In “Ella the Pink Elephant: Her Life, Love and Fame” (ISBN 1469937565), children’s author Doris Rueger writes and illustrates a fantasy tale with a moral message. It follows the life of Ella the Elephant, a star-studded pachyderm that never lacked for attention.

As a child, Ella was the star animal of one of the world’s largest zoos. Her keepers dressed her in pink silks and shawls, while friends and admirers flocked to her side. Yet as all creatures must do, Ella grew older. She grew tired of all the work it took to remain at the center of everyone’s attention. After many years, Ella wanted to be taken to a retirement zoo where she could rest and enjoy her days in peace. 

In this restful reserve, Ella was by herself. For the first time, she looked at herself in the mirror, without makeup or fancy clothes, and saw an aging elephant with grey skin and wrinkles. “Who am I?” she asked. “I am neither Ella, the beautiful elephant baby, nor am I Ella, the gorgeous elephant modeling expensive clothes and being the star at weddings. I am just plain me. No adornments. Will I still be loved?”  Ella would have to find a new way to be happy. She looks in the mirror and realizes she was a beloved elephant, full of tender memories that she could enjoy for the rest of her life. 

Through her storybook tale of talking zoo animals, Ms. Rueger weaves a tale that encourages children to love and accept themselves for who they are. A children’s fantasy with fun characters and a moral ending, “Ella the Pink Elephant” is illustrated by the author in crayon and color pencil. Self-acceptance, knowing and loving one’s true self and learning how to graciously live in the limelight are lessons parents would be happy to impart to their young ones.

“Ella the Pink Elephant: Her Life, Love and Fame” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author:
Born and raised in Germany, Doris Rueger attended college in the United States and graduated with a master’s degree in literature and journalism. After a 30-year career in the scientific community, she now pursues her love of literature by writing and illustrating children’s books. Ms. Rueger currently lives in Bellport, NY.

Winner of the Summer 2012 NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for “Ella the Pink Elephant”


I have to give Doris Rueger a resounding 10 stars for this fabulous children's book. In this story we meet Ella, who is born in a zoo and taken care of by a former clown. She is loved by everyone because of all the beautiful outfits that she wears. We continue on the story with her as she ages and all the way through to her self-acceptance of her much older self.  This is a wonderful story about loving people with all your heart and being kind to others. She learns that she is loved not for her wonderful outfits but because of her kind and loving heart. This is an invaluable lesson for young children to learn.

It doesn't matter what's on the outside its what's on the inside that matters! The story itself was fabulously written and the art work was beautiful. I highly recommend this book to everyone young and old alike. This book is a fabulous addition to any family library.

Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review.